Living and working overseas for over two decades brought Lynn into contact with a variety of people and social situations.  She relished the cultural differences encountered in each of the countries that she called home.  Settling in was not just a matter of figuring out local logistics, but more importantly, immersing herself in the history and artistic heritage of the country.
     After graduating with a BFA in Photography from Pratt Institute, New York, Lynn moved to Australia.  She was drawn to Australia’s vast inland desert landscape, which was the subject of her first one-person exhibition, Horizons (1981), at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne.
     In 1983, Lynn moved to the United Kingdom.  While teaching photography at several art schools, Lynn published four books, Furniture Fictions (1989), 1:1 (1993), Corporation House (1996), and Interior Light (1997).  She participated in many solo and group exhibitions including Viewfindings: Women Photographers: Landscape and Environment (1994) and the ground-breaking Inside the Visible (1996).  While living in England, Lynn received an MA in Fine Art from Goldsmiths’ College, London.
     Lynn returned to the United States in 1999.  Since then, she received a Fulbright Scholarship in 2010 to teach and photograph in the Czech Republic.  She continued to participate in exhibitions including Outlook-Insight: Windows in the Arts, at the Museum Sinclair-Haus in Bad Homberg, Germany (2018) and Works in Black and White at the Klompching Gallery Brooklyn, New York (2019).  
     Working with video is a new development in Lynn’s practice.  Memory Foam (2022), a hybrid work that combines still photographs with sound, has enabled her through the manipulation of light to forge a closer relationship between domestic interiors and the personal objects found within these spaces.  In 2022, this video premiered at Goya Contemporary, Baltimore.
     Recently, Lynn’s pictures of archival photographic panoramic scrolls from In A Matter of Time (2020-present) were selected for inclusion in the 2024 FotoFest biennial exhibition 10 x 10 in Houston, Texas.  Her latest video Between death and (2024), which utilizes a variety of image-capturing technologies in its depiction of a funeral home, was selected for The Last Best Time and Space Video Art Exhibition at the Ryniker-Morrison Gallery, Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Montana.
     Lynn's work is represented by Goya Contemporary, Baltimore.